Price: $95,000
Location: Reno, Nevada
Industry: Machine Shops and Tools
Listing ID: 2047448
Listing Status: Sold
Specialty machine shop with stable, manufacturing, clientele for sale in Northern Nevada. This shop is the only one of it's kind in the area and they have maintained a steady supply of work from large customers that ship components to the shop for completion. Sellers have been turning business away as they are short personnel and would rather sell and train a new owner vs. hiring a new employee. This is an ideal opportunity for an esicting ship to utilize excess labor capacity, add instant revenue, and expand their service offeringing yb brining the equipment in house. Note: The commercial real esate is owned by the Seller and is also for sale. The current facility is oversized, (2x), for the operation; the published cash flow allows for reduced rent in an appropriately sized facility, (Seller Estimates approximately 2400 s.f.) From a busines sperspective, Northern Nevada is highly regarded as a pro-business, low-tax environment that appeals to a wide range of business and industyr. With no personal, coproate, franchise, estate, inheritance, or inventory tax, it's no wonder that Nevada ranks #7 Most Business-Friendy Tax Climate.
Total Sales: $113,000
Cash Flow: $74,000
FFE: $80,000